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Thread: Segregation and definition of users

  1. #1
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    dfunkt's Avatar
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    Segregation and definition of users

    My website is

    I did a test on posting a job and it did require that I register. Part of the registration process is to identify yourself as either the Employer, Job Seeker or Recruiter which is fine. But after finishing the registration procedure, it said to check the email. I didn't get an email from the email I registered with. What am I missing.

    Also, in checking the user, I saw the test account I made having a status of "pending user" but there is no way for me to identify if this user is an employer, job seeker, recruiter, or any of the other drop down options. So if the user is indeed a user and I chose recruiter, wouldn't that be bad or vice versa if I assigned a recruiter to be an employer, lister, contributor, editor, or others and not the recruiter status. How can I, as an administrator identify the user as whatever they registered as?


  2. #2
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