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Thread: Stopping Fraud - Prevention IS Better than Cure

  1. #1
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    Senior Member Sam King's Avatar
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    Stopping Fraud - Prevention IS Better than Cure

    Hi Friends,

    Had some guy approach a few of my clients who had their details listed on my site because I added them to the site as opposed to them through their own account.

    Allow me to explain...

    Currently, if you add a job listing and have the 'apply online' feature enabled were a jobseeker to apply YOU would get the application and not the employer... not good.

    With this being so I switched off the 'apply online' feature, but then had to list my client's name, contact details, etc. - a competitor then took these details and approached them offering his company's services (albeit similar, but not 100% the same to mine).

    Were we to have the ability to specify the client's e-mail when posting a job and any applications then going directly to them I'd DEFINITELY use the 'apply online' feature as this allows for anonymity and automation.

    Anyhow, I just wanted to give you guys a heads up on this in case it happens to you.

    If you want to help prevent this and stop your clients getting taken off your hands please give this feature a few points over here...

    'Apply Online' e-mail address option's already got a few so clearly some folks feel it's needed... with a few more hopefully we can get this one in the next update.

    Thanks for reading,


  2. #2
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