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Thread: Register page and submit job descrepancies/issues

  1. #1
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    Veteran bleem's Avatar
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    Register page and submit job descrepancies/issues

    Hi, I have just noticed an issue/fault If you select submit a job while logged out (ie - non logged in user or new user) you get redirected to this screen.

    Attachment 10110

    There is no option to select what type of user you are.

    The text at the top of the screen says:

    You must login or create an account in order to post a job — this will enable you to view, remove, or relist your listing in the future.

    So if you continue and fill this form in it creates an account for you and then you proceed to the next screen which is the post a job screen.

    How does the system know if you are a job recruiter or an Employer?

    I would have thought that by clicking either the submit job or the register button - it would redirect to this screen:

    Attachment 10111

    At least on this screen you have the option of selecting what type of user you are.

    Could this be resolved or is this a know issue?

    Also - if you select job seeker on this login/register screen there is a broken file icon:

    see photo attached.

    Attachment 10112

    This has a div id of - login-country

    What is this and why is this displaying?

    Kind regards

  2. #2
    spartac's Avatar
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