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About adams_44

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About adams_44
Scottsdale, AZ

Signature - Your A to Z Logistics Directory (Vantage) | - Arizona off-roaders' site (multisite: Vantage + Classipress + Vantage)


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Last Activity
June 23rd, 2019
Join Date
July 8th, 2010


  1. lerime1328
    lerime1328 liked post by adams_44 On thread : Add a new sidebar widget to Vantage
    You can see the tutorial I wrote a long time ago here: Now... I know that using core.php to...
    Liked On: July 31st, 2014, 10:09 AM
  2. lerime1328
    lerime1328 liked post by adams_44 On thread : Custom sidebar for Create Listing page without plugins
    I've always wanted to have a sidebar on my create-listing page where I could add few text widgets with instructions for business owners on filling out the submission form. I know some of you want to...
    Liked On: July 31st, 2014, 10:07 AM
  3. lerime1328
    lerime1328 liked post by adams_44 On thread : Add a new sidebar widget to Vantage
    It did take me some time to figure this out :) but I was able to understand your method and get it to work for me. If you don't mind I'm gonna write a little tutorial on this, cause I know...
    Liked On: July 31st, 2014, 10:02 AM
  4. malkie
    malkie liked post by adams_44 On thread : Change "Howdy, Username"
    Thank you for bringing this up. It has been bugging me for a while! Thank you for the link, but the process seems too complicated in that example :) All you really have to do is find...
    Liked On: December 6th, 2013, 06:11 AM
  5. dimitris
    dimitris liked post by adams_44 On thread : Can I set the Home Page to another page?
    You can totally make any static page your Home Page. Just create the page and select it in Settings > Reading > Front Page.
    Liked On: August 18th, 2013, 10:59 AM
  6. dimitris
    dimitris liked post by adams_44 On thread : Child Theme screwed up my site
    I think I know exactly what you did wrong. Did you by any chance add "Pages", "Recently Added Events" and "Recent Listings" widgets to your "List Page Top Sidebar" together with the Vantage big...
    Liked On: July 18th, 2013, 11:30 AM
  7. tbase
    tbase liked post by adams_44 On thread : Sorting of non-homepage/featured listings on homepage?
    I am actually talking about home page and category pages, not even search results. Check out for example Vantage demo, Category: Vegan. Customer "Shadetree Cafe" paid premium to be Featured and...
    Liked On: July 17th, 2013, 10:07 AM
  8. dimitris
    dimitris liked post by adams_44 On thread : Sorting of non-homepage/featured listings on homepage?
    It does make sense...
    Liked On: July 17th, 2013, 07:27 AM
  9. barnboffin
    barnboffin liked post by adams_44 On thread : Left aligning the drop down menu in my nav bar
    Try putting this into your child theme's style.css #main-navigation ul.sub-menu li a {padding: 11px 11px 0; width: auto;border: 0 none; text-align: left;}
    Liked On: July 6th, 2013, 05:50 AM
  10. dimitris
    dimitris liked post by adams_44 On thread : Problem with "Create A Listing" page.
    Glad to hear that.
    Liked On: June 26th, 2013, 08:55 AM