- petfive
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dimitris liked post by petfive On thread : how to make some custom fields show on an ad listing in home page
alternatively you can do it manually and go into content-ad_listing.php
replace cp_bedrooms with your custom field name.
Liked On: June 28th, 2016, 11:20 AM
dimitris liked post by petfive On thread : Login using email or user in Appthemes products
this is the plugin i'm using and its working perfect
i also changed the login placeholder from "username" to "email or username"
Liked On: May 10th, 2016, 03:32 AM
g2eat liked post by petfive On thread : Im releasing my Plugin free! Classipress top location search- Dont miss!
Hi guys im the author of classipress top location search, you may have seen it on wprabbits, ive decided to give it away free as i am no longer working on plugins. its not currently responsive but...
Liked On: February 19th, 2016, 08:26 PM
june172014 liked post by petfive On thread : new mod on my site - only paid members can contact the advertiser
haha that is strange actually :p , this could also be used in different ways, for example you could restrict images, descriptions or even the entire single ad to members only.
on another note i...
Liked On: January 30th, 2016, 01:44 AM
bleem liked post by petfive On thread : Remove "my orders"
Hi, you can go to sidebar-user.php and remove this line:
Liked On: December 23rd, 2015, 09:51 AM
talent liked post by petfive On thread : Im releasing my Plugin free! Classipress top location search- Dont miss!
Hi abhibansal60, glad you like it
just to clarify you want a select box with "cities" instead of a input?
you would need to replace the with a select box filled...
Liked On: November 11th, 2014, 09:04 AM
talent liked post by petfive On thread : Im releasing my Plugin free! Classipress top location search- Dont miss!
updated download link:
Liked On: November 9th, 2014, 07:45 AM
bobyrou liked post by petfive On thread : Im releasing my Plugin free! Classipress top location search- Dont miss!
hmm in not too sure about that one as featured/not featured is not a custom field as such, i have seen a sort by plugin that allows users to see featured listings once they have searched, i know...
Liked On: November 8th, 2014, 04:14 PM
bobyrou liked post by petfive On thread : Im releasing my Plugin free! Classipress top location search- Dont miss!
thanks for that talent, i am not by any means a pro coder everything i know i taught myself so thanks for your notes, will change and upload download link
ps your welcome, glad somebody...
Liked On: November 8th, 2014, 04:13 PM
talent liked post by petfive On thread : Im releasing my Plugin free! Classipress top location search- Dont miss!
by the way guys, if you take a look at theme-searchbar.php within the plugin file there is no limitation to the search form you can create,
for example notice the line
Liked On: November 8th, 2014, 01:27 PM
talent liked post by petfive On thread : Im releasing my Plugin free! Classipress top location search- Dont miss!
Hi guys im the author of classipress top location search, you may have seen it on wprabbits, ive decided to give it away free as i am no longer working on plugins. its not currently responsive but...
Liked On: November 8th, 2014, 09:28 AM
bobyrou liked post by petfive On thread : Im releasing my Plugin free! Classipress top location search- Dont miss!
Hi guys im the author of classipress top location search, you may have seen it on wprabbits, ive decided to give it away free as i am no longer working on plugins. its not currently responsive but...
Liked On: November 7th, 2014, 05:56 AM
jomarkosabel liked post by petfive On thread : Jobroller sort search results
thanks Jomark,
i will see what i can do with the plugin and let everyone know how i get on,
Liked On: November 7th, 2013, 08:54 AM