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March 11th, 2017


  1. frame34
    frame34 liked post by raviz On thread : How to make star rating field required?
    Dear Jomark, Thank you for your response. For my point (2), As per developer team suggestion that "It's supposed to have a review (Content)." That's Ok. But for point (1), How to make star...
    Liked On: November 17th, 2020, 04:59 AM
  2. robertolopes2019
    robertolopes2019 liked post by raviz On thread : Categories option is not clickable
    Dear robertolopes2019, As per my suggestion, You need to set default role as "Contributor". Because its gives your user a less permission to access your website and its increase your website...
    Liked On: March 17th, 2019, 09:27 AM
  3. jomarkosabel
    jomarkosabel liked post by raviz On thread : Emails
    Dear nicleics, You can check this file - wp-content\themes\appthemes-vantage\includes\core\extra\claim\class-listing-claim-emails.php In above file you can find some emails, like listing...
    Liked On: March 5th, 2019, 10:34 AM
  4. jomarkosabel
    jomarkosabel liked post by raviz On thread : Create Listing (You do not have sufficient permissions to start this process.)
    Dear Jomark, Thank you for your great suggestion. As per my previous reply, your suggested code is not working - ...
    Liked On: February 26th, 2019, 09:54 AM
  5. jomarkosabel
    jomarkosabel liked post by raviz On thread : Coupon Type
    Hi Jomark & ishmamjt, I recently face the same problem, and found the solution. I have update theme to Clipper 2.0.1 development build. After update there is a new coupon type created coupon...
    Liked On: January 17th, 2019, 09:36 AM
  6. jomarkosabel
    jomarkosabel liked post by raviz On thread : Feature Option!
    Thank your for posting solution, that need to enable option - Start accepting payments. Thanks.
    Liked On: January 17th, 2019, 09:32 AM
  7. albert
    albert liked post by raviz On thread : Clipper 2.0 Wish List
    Thank you for creating such a best thread. It is great things that you are updating themes. I have created new feature list for Clipper theme that is necessary for online coupon website...
    Liked On: August 14th, 2018, 02:28 PM