- Age
- 46
About x370znismo
- Biography:
- Owner of Rural Area Solutions LLC, A small Local Alabama Design and Development company for Small Local Business Web Solutions
- Location:
- Alabama
- Interests:
- Design and Development, Social media Marketing, Sales, Kids and Family!
- Occupation:
- Design and Development at Rural Area Solutions and Automotive Sales
[B][I][FONT=georgia][SIZE=6][SIZE=3][URL="https://www.facebook.com/RuralAreaSolutions/"]Rural Area Solutions LLC[/URL] (FB)[/SIZE]
[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/B][SIZE=3][B][FONT=georgia][URL="http://ruralareasolutions.com"]Rural Area Solutions[/URL] ([I]Website)[/I][/FONT][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=5][FONT=georgia][B][I]Our Developments! [/I]
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- 67
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- 0.02
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- Total Thanks
- 16
General Information
- Last Activity
- June 8th, 2018
- Join Date
- April 7th, 2016
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- 0
yoshihiroyagi liked post by x370znismo On thread : How to shorten steps for posting an ad.
I am sure it can be done but I would disagree an the assumption it will be faster.
A couple of observations in general, the 4 pages you are talking about are four very specific parts of the ad...
Liked On: December 20th, 2017, 11:08 PM
ovidiubica liked post by x370znismo On thread : Unregister
I assume you are running a membership plugin. If so find the unregister page that should be in pages. From there copy and paste and put it on your menus or widgets in sidebars like the user dashboard.
Liked On: December 11th, 2017, 10:11 AM
ovidiubica liked post by x370znismo On thread : Remove META box in the right box in classipress 3.6.0
That should fix you right up. Ran Into this a while back on a different social project I was working on. That is not a Classipress meta box, it is...
Liked On: December 8th, 2017, 11:13 AM
helmuc liked post by x370znismo On thread : Here is my site and please take a look and suggest.
Okay, so I will bare my soul for you to review. Any constructive criticism will be appreciated. nonconstructive ignored lol . Any suggestions and plugins child...
Liked On: November 7th, 2016, 05:36 AM
talent liked post by x370znismo On thread : where to edit or add a paypal subscription ?
Sorry for the delay...but really?
You do realize that if she recommended you that I must have asked her first :excitement:
Liked On: May 15th, 2016, 07:54 PM