Set-up Question
I just bought your plug-in, as I would like to integrate it in a Brazilian site- however I am stuck at Step 1.
I have a PagSeguro account-
But when I go to do this, step 1:
Open tab Integration and fill following fields
“Página de redirecionamento” -> “Código de transação para página de redirecionamento” = “transaction_id
Generate new Token using button “Gerar Token“.
I goi to that page- but in that box to enter the “transaction_id" parameter, first I need to set up a fixed Web page to return from: "Página de redirecionamento fixa", which I do not have on the site- I tried to just use the main page but does not work.
Is it necessary to have the transaction_id token returned, and if so to what page- do I need to set up some return page (am using ClassiPress with AdSpash child-theme), although it appears to be a dynamically generated return page.
Please help me get past step 1.