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  1. All in one seo is fine in the latest version of...

    All in one seo is fine in the latest version of cp, Just make sure to click the box >>>>:SEO for Custom Post Types:<<< CLICK THIS ONE ;)
  2. Replies

    hi Ruben, hope your well, Have you been doing any...

    hi Ruben, hope your well, Have you been doing any further experiments with the 'search facility' ?
    I have been experimenting with the latest version of classipress (adding a 3rd column...
  3. I suggest you look into the basics of SEO, start...

    I suggest you look into the basics of SEO, start with reading about title tags, .. also add an seo plugin.
    then look into social networking......follow the basics and you will notice an improvment...
Results 1 to 3 of 3