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  1. [SOLVED] Hi Gremminger, Yes, where you have ...

    Hi Gremminger,

    Yes, where you have

    $searchTxt = '*';

    you can delete the *:

    $searchTxt = '';
  2. [SOLVED] Hi Beik, This '*' is set on search.php line 4...

    Hi Beik,

    This '*' is set on search.php line 4 (on version 3.3.2) to appear when the user leave empty the keyword input on search.

    The system uses this '*' to replace tha placeholder 'What are...
  3. [SOLVED] Hi Beik, I take it you are using CP v3.3.2? My...

    Hi Beik,

    I take it you are using CP v3.3.2? My tutorial is for v3.3 & 3.3.1 only.

    However, in v3.3.2 includes/theme-functions.php has simply been renamed to /includes/functions.php. So for your...
  4. [SOLVED] Hi Beik, I'm the poster of that 'Click To...

    Hi Beik,

    I'm the poster of that 'Click To Show' tutorial and explain in the second step how to hide custom fields from showing in that area on the ad page. See below:

  5. Samcy Hi Samcy, Adding the doesn't work, when...

    Hi Samcy,

    Adding the <br /> doesn't work, when I add the <br /> tag it actually makes the page display absolutely nothing and won't add the listing.

    Do you have any idea why this happens?

  6. [SOLVED] Hello Beik, Go to ClassiPress => Pricing =>...

    Hello Beik,

    Go to ClassiPress => Pricing => General (tab) and uncheck "Show Featured Ads Slider"

    That will remove the featured slider.

  7. Replies

    Hello Beik, This would involve some...

    Hello Beik,

    This would involve some customization of the theme, so I'll move the thread to "ClassiPress General Discussions" area for community based support.

  8. [SOLVED] Hi ****la, Welcome to the AppThemes forums. ...

    Hi ****la,

    Welcome to the AppThemes forums.

    Just go inside your WordPress admin area to ClassiPress => Settings => General (tab) and scroll down to "Classified Ads Messages". There you...
  9. Replies

    [TUTORIAL] Phone Number - 'Click To Show'

    Here is a quick tutorial on how to add a 'Click To Show' function for phone numbers posted on your classified website - using ClassiPress v3.3.

    We will be hiding this field from the list that...
Results 1 to 9 of 9