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Thread: [Bugs for Jobroller Theme] Is that true?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    [Bugs for Jobroller Theme] Is that true?

    Hello, dear author:

    i been research on the job board theme and found there are thread talk about serious bug that the jobroller will not able to go next page and it will get a no page exist error. Is that true? Did you guys fixed it somehow and if you do, what is the solution now, so that if I purchase it I will konw the theme works the way I want to.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There are no known issues of this nature, and the error you describe generally indicates that the permalinks have not been set up properly (this is not a theme issue). You can view the JobRoller demo here. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    The demo does not show the next page button at I know its true about what you said? please explain thank you

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There would be absolutely no reason for me to not tell the truth about such an issue. I have worked at AppThemes for quite some time and from experience I know that people commonly do not set up their permalinks correctly, thus causing the error you describe. I also double checked in our support ticketing system as well as the forums to confirm it has not been reported as a bug. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks for the reply. I wonder could you make it able to scroll to next page in the demo site? So I can really see it myself?

    Thank You!

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Feel free to check out the AppThemes customer showcase for JobRoller sites such as this which have enough listings to show the "next" page. Thanks.

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