Very Soon Is Not A Date

Originally Posted by
We can certainly appreciate your concern about the release of Vantage given the previous delays with the theme release, however we are at this point still on track in terms of the last update made to the
theme release status page. Although the page itself doesn't reflect this, we can confirm that Vantage beta is currently in the internal testing phase as scheduled, after which time it will be made available to AppThemes Club package customers prior to the general public release. With the internal testing already under way, the official beta release date will then hopefully be available very soon.
I have also been following the whole debate and made a few posts concerning the client relations issues with this company. I have a small web design firm so I understand that there are issues come up and things that can cause delays. At times I need to get in touch with my clients to let them know that there are going to be delays. This being said I give my clients a solid deadline and stick to it, it doesn't matter if I have to spend 3 days working 16 hours to get the site completed and ensure that everything is working.
Once again we get a vague response with no date - Very Soon, hopefully available! Are you kidding. This company has the worst business model I have ever seen. I purchased a theme, installed it, customized it for the brand that I am working on and then I found AppThemes & Vantage. The options they mentioned in the theme blew me away and I put the project on hold thinking "okay, if I put it on the back-burner for a couple of months it won't matter" - that was nearly 12 months ago and here I sit still waiting - I must be stupid.
Thank you AppThemes and thank you Shannon for once again dangling the proverbial carrot. They know that they have us where they want us and we can complain all we want. It's obvious that AppThemes doesn't care what we have to say and are probably getting a good laugh over all of this - sitting back thinking about all of us poor little idiots that spend all of this time checking the theme status release page, looking for updates on Facebook and Twitter and then posting all of these long-winded responses in the forums.
Laugh it up AppThemes, thank you for allowing me to amuse you and your development team.
Please make sure that once you are all done laughing at us you make appointments with your proctologist and have your heads removed from your **** cavities. Good customer service involves transparency - not shadows and lies. Keep putting off your launch - it's done wonders for your reputation.