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Thread: 2Checkout integration

  1. #1
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    Guest Ankita's Avatar

    2Checkout integration


    I have searched a lot around the forums, I was unable to see a lot of threads, because I'm not a member right now.

    I have set my mind to get the jobroller theme, but the thing is that --> only paypal is supported right now. Your other theme classipress does support it. In my country paypal is very limited and I cannot fully utilize it. It would be awesome to know about the status of this feature.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    This is correct, at this time PayPal is still the only payment gateway for the theme, and although we will most likely integrate other payment gateways in future, there is no definite timeline for this which we can confirm.

    You're certainly welcome to vote on feature requests for other payment gateways on the AppThemes Ideas Exchange in the meantime, as this will assist our development in deciding which may be the most popular gateways for future reference..

  3. #3
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    Guest Ankita's Avatar

    Thanks for the prompt reply. I've already done the idea exchange thing. I will go with the jobroller for now, but will be definitely looking for an upgrade to other payment gateway solutions, especially 2Checkout, because it supports my currency.

    You have already done it with classipress. It would be highly appreciated if the apptheme developers just do the same for jobroller as soon as possible.


  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Duly noted ;) Hopefully we will be able to provide more information about this possibility in the near future.

  5. #5
    Forum Member funnymonkey's Avatar
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    Is paypal a good choice for your payment method?Or there are other options?

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