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Thread: Advanced serach on the homepage and banner ads on separate pages

  1. #1
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    Junior Member dave_aj's Avatar
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    Advanced serach on the homepage and banner ads on separate pages


    I understand why there is not an advanced search on the homepage (due to the fact classipress is designed for classified ads from a variety of industries) however I want to build a site focus exclusively on vehicles and I think that I really do need an advanced search option on the homepage.

    I've been thinking about how I might use the categories i.e. make/vehicle type (4x4, convertable) ect. I'm not sure yet. Which ever way I did it I think I really would prefer to have an advanced search on the homepage that ideally allows you to search by category as well.

    So I started to do some research into what solutions / work-arounds I can get. I have noticed a plugin called Classipro Advanced Search which you can use on pages, although I can't see how you could install it on the homepage as it doesn't show up in the wordpress 'pages' admin area. The admin demo has the homepage (static page) selected as the blog so I assume that homepage is put together using something like a functions.php file?

    A little frustratingly it seems that there is information on the forums on the topic of an advanced search being displayed on the homepage, just says I can't access it as I'm not yet a customer, for example:

    I'm also interested in the how to show ads on the site, I currently use openx on my other sites which it seems I could implement into the code of Classipress. I'm not set on using it though necessarily, I want to have different ads on different pages/categories and found this post, but again it can't be read:

    Thanks if you've got this far and read the whole thing!!! Look forward to hearing your responses.


  2. #2
    rubencio's Avatar
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    Hi dave_aj, For the Advanced Search made at ClassiPro, you can embed the search on a page and simply choose it as your home page under your WordPress settings.

    r u b e n c i o . c o m

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  3. #3
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    Junior Member dave_aj's Avatar
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    Hi Rubenico, yeh that could be a solution although I like everything else about the homepage, I wouldn't want to lose the aspects of the homepage that already exist such as featured ads slider and just listed / most popular as well as the sidebar widgets. I don't know if there is a way to transfer the existing homepage to a new page which I could then insert the ClassiPro Advanced Search plugin, which is why I'm curious to know how the homepage is constructed.

  4. #4
    rubencio's Avatar
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    Then you'll need to handle with PHP code for sure ;)
    Actually the home page it is builted under the index.php file.

    Quote Originally Posted by dave_aj View Post
    Hi Rubenico, yeh that could be a solution although I like everything else about the homepage, I wouldn't want to lose the aspects of the homepage that already exist such as featured ads slider and just listed / most popular as well as the sidebar widgets. I don't know if there is a way to transfer the existing homepage to a new page which I could then insert the ClassiPro Advanced Search plugin, which is why I'm curious to know how the homepage is constructed.

    r u b e n c i o . c o m

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  5. #5
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    I suppose as I have little PHP skills that means contacting the creator of the plugin and asking if he can give me some PHP i can insert into index.php to get the plugin on the homepage, or finding someone else who can write the PHP to make the plugin to appear work in the homepage (if it's possible).


  6. #6
    rubencio's Avatar
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    I am the creator of this plugin ;)
    Yes, you can simply use <?php if (function_exists… in order to place your Advanced Search wherever you need into the code.
    Regards and good luck!

    Quote Originally Posted by dave_aj View Post
    I suppose as I have little PHP skills that means contacting the creator of the plugin and asking if he can give me some PHP i can insert into index.php to get the plugin on the homepage, or finding someone else who can write the PHP to make the plugin to appear work in the homepage (if it's possible).


    r u b e n c i o . c o m

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  7. #7
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    Junior Member dave_aj's Avatar
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    Also don't suppose you can give me an insight into what is being discussed in this post / what the outcome of it was?:

  8. #8
    rubencio's Avatar
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    The answer for that thread it is the plugin itself ;)
    You can do your complex search by custom fields (city, country, province, colors, prices,,,,,,,,,) with the Advanced Search plugin.

    Quote Originally Posted by dave_aj View Post
    Also don't suppose you can give me an insight into what is being discussed in this post / what the outcome of it was?:

    r u b e n c i o . c o m

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by rubencio View Post
    I am the plugin creator ;)
    Oh ha, brilliant! So is it possible, in theory at least, to create PHP that will insert the plugin into the homepage or into a funtions.php that can be applied across the site, or hopefully just on the homepage...

    for example here's some php i used in a functions.php file to have social media icons attached to the side of one of my sites:

    function add_social_media_icons () {
    <div id="facebook_icon">
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../../../../images/facebook_45.png" /></a>
    <div id="twitter_icon">
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../../../../images/twitter_45.png" /></a>

  10. #10
    rubencio's Avatar
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    Well, since this forum it is not for support purposes you must buy the plugin and then send your requests to the proper email address for us to help you further.
    Best regards.

    Quote Originally Posted by dave_aj View Post
    Oh ha, brilliant! So is it possible, in theory at least, to create PHP that will insert the plugin into the homepage or into a funtions.php that can be applied across the site, or hopefully just on the homepage...

    for example here's some php i used in a functions.php file to have social media icons attached to the side of one of my sites:

    function add_social_media_icons () {
    <div id="facebook_icon">
    <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a>
    <div id="twitter_icon">
    <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a>

    r u b e n c i o . c o m

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