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Thread: Am i eligible for 50% if I choose blue host package

  1. #1
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    Am i eligible for 50% if I choose blue host package

    Am i eligible for 50% if I choose blue host package. IN your promotion page You have mentioned "Sign up with Blue host for only $6.95/month."" but on that link blue host is giving discount for fresh orders in $3.95per month instead of $6.95... Please clear this ..If I buy hosting for $3.95 from ur link ..Will I get 50% on classipress theme?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    If you use our link and meet promotional conditions as outlined on our promos page, then you will be eligible. A change of price indicates that a different discount is being applied though, so you'd need to ensure that the correct AppThemes information is showing. Thanks.

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