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Thread: Approval of registration by admin

  1. #1
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    Approval of registration by admin


    Can I add limitations on recruiters and job seekers for before and after registration?

    For example, recruiters can only browse but not enter into a job seekers resume, and job seekers can only browse jobs but not enter into the job description etc until registered?

    I basically want to do manual approval. So, Job seeker/recruiter registers. They are told their account will be approved and live within 24 hours, I then manually approve it at which point they get full functionality on the site.

    Is there perhaps a plugin that deals with access restrictions?



  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There are no registration restrictions managed by the theme in relation to actual signup which actually uses the native WordPress user functionality. However, there are user registration types available (employer/job seeker), and depending on what you have set for resume viewing, you can restrict it to certain groups/paid users. You cannot restrict or limit viewing of jobs based on registration type though. This would either require customization on your part, or use of a plugin, however to clarify, AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins so we cannot guarantee they will definitely be compatible with our themes. Thanks.

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