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Thread: Basic ClassiPress Questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Basic ClassiPress Questions

    (1) Does ClassiPress allow for business to place their own ads and then automatically be directed to pay online?
    (2) If businesses are allowed to place their own ads, are they required to register and then be provided with a login? If so, what if they lose their login info? Is there a way to retrieve it?
    (3) Can I have multiple price options based on the duration of the ad, such as $25 for one week, $50 for two weeks, etc.?
    (4) I plan to charge businesses to place an ad, but I do not want to charge them if they place an ad for employment. Do I have the option to not charge for a particular category, such as employment?
    (5) Can I add and delete categories and sub categories?
    (6) Can I change the appearance, such as the gradient grey color, making sharp corners on edges, as opposed to curved corners, etc.?
    (7) I do not like the popup picture viewer. Are there other options for displaying pictures, such as a slider or mouse over to enlarge the picture?
    (8) I will allow for business ads and personal ads. For "personal" ads, such as someone selling their books, they may not want folks to have their physical address; whereas businesses will in fact want everyone to see their physical address. Is there an option to "block" the address location from one ad to the next?
    (9) For employment ads, can I ad a field for, say, "Salary Range", etc.?
    (10) Do I have the option to remove the "tags" that appear at the bottom of the ad so that folks do not see that?

  2. #2
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Another Question

    I see that ClassiPress has a "coupon module." Is there a page where I can view how this coupon appears?

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1. ClassiPress allows for any registered user to post ads, and the payment settings are based on your configuration, so if you have set it up for paid ads, yes they will be redirected to PayPal for completing the transaction.

    2. As above, yes all users are required to register before they can post an ad and they are emailed the details. Yes, ClassiPress uses the native WordPress user functionality, so users can reset passwords themselves at the login page, or you as the admin can also access all user information and reset manually if required.

    3. Yes, ClassiPress includes an ad packages option which allows you to create ad packages for $xx for xx amount of time as per your settings. There is also a subscription pricing option where you can set up users to post unlimited ads for xx of days for $xx.

    4. There are various pricing models to choose from: Fixed price per ad, Price per category, % of sellers ad price, or Charge for featured ads only.

    5. Yes, all categories and sub categories are created by you during installation/setup and you can update/delete at any time.

    6. Yes, there is no encryption which would prevent you from customizing the theme. We recommend the use of a child theme in order to retain modifications in the course of an update.

    7. There is only one option built into the theme, so changing this would require customization on your part. There is a mouseover option on the index page which you can enable or disable from the ClassiPress admin dashboard.

    8. You can create custom ad forms for listings, and you can apply these to categories, but not specific user types.

    9. Yes, as above, you can create a custom form with any of the custom fields you like.

    10. This is another field you can choose not to have if you create a custom field.

    The coupon code option simply appears as a field on the bottom of the ad listing form in step 1 of the process.

    You can also find more information about the theme as well as links to the demo site on the ClassiPress theme page Thanks.

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