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Thread: build good marketplace site

  1. #1
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    Guest galalieb's Avatar

    build good marketplace site

    hey guys
    I want to build good marketplace template
    that can address to someone who sell
    and someone who wants to buy

    some sort of 2nd hand items for sale

    Im looking template these options
    1. filtering results (examples: sort by price range/ location / item age / etc.)

    2. in order to sale or purchase - submit site registration form

    3. clear homepage = let the user know this is marketplace = items for sale list/ standing offers board list

    4. once a purchase is made - Im (admin) alerted + auto 1% fee from buyer/seller (auto paypal/payment integration)

    also I'd like your advice, what i have to pay attention to, how to perform it right, what important to notice / include in my marketplace site
    thank you

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The closest theme we have to what you describe is ClassiPress which is designed specifically for classified ads. Sales are made directly through the buyer/seller though, so there are no options to deduct a sale price fee after a listing is made. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest galalieb's Avatar

    so what if i want a marketplace template like elance

    that i have option to guard the money till both sides are satisfied?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    This is not part of the themes functionality by default, so it would require customization on your part if you were looking to do this. Our themes are not encrypted, so you are free to modify them as you wish. Thanks.

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