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Thread: Can a feature slider plugin be added to the home page or other pages

  1. #1
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    Can a feature slider plugin be added to the home page or other pages

    I am wondering if a slider plugin can be added to the home page. I am considering Vantage and another directory that has a header that scrolls thru featured listings of 255x171 pictures with name of business and ratings below the picture. When you click on the picture in the slider it links to the business feature page.

    Let me know if this is possible.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Potentially you could use a slider plugin, however you may likely still need to make additional modifications to the theme code in order to have the slider appear "nicely" and fit well into the default theme layout as well as to have it function with the listings as you wish it to. AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins, so we unfortunately cannot guarantee that they will definitely be compatible with our themes out of the box. Thanks.

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