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Thread: can I migrate existing wordpress posts to classipress?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    can I migrate existing wordpress posts to classipress?

    I am using wordpress version : 3.5.1. and i would like to purchase classipress but I have around 300 posts in my wordpress which I want to migrate to classipress, is that possible? because I want them to be showed as listings. Let me know if that can be done? and if your plugin will work with the old version of wordpress?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Any existing posts would migrate across as normal blog posts if you simply changed the theme, but ClassiPress has a built in importing tool which you can use to migrate the data over to ads correctly. Our themes are designed to be used with the latest version of WordPress so we'd recommend this. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Wont the posts which are already there in my wordpress get transformed into listings?

    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    Any existing posts would migrate across as normal blog posts if you simply changed the theme, but ClassiPress has a built in importing tool which you can use to migrate the data over to ads correctly. Our themes are designed to be used with the latest version of WordPress so we'd recommend this. Thanks.
    Wont the posts which are already there in my wordpress get transformed into listings automatically? Would I have to export all of my posts and then import into classipress again as ads? if so what is the process involved? Thanks in advance!

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Our themes use custom post types, with a specific type for "Ads", so it's likely that existing posts on your site will migrate across as blog posts on a ClassiPress installation. To migrate them correctly as ads you would need to create your listings on a .csv file format in order to use the importing tool. There is an example .csv file which comes with the theme when you purchase it which outlines the fields required. Thanks.

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