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Thread: can Vantage or Directory theme handle listings from anywhere in the world?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    can Vantage or Directory theme handle listings from anywhere in the world?


    Can Vantage or Directory theme handle listings from anywhere in the world?

    I need a theme for my business listing website that covers many cities in multiple countries, how does Vantage and Directory take care of displaying the listings on the frontpage? Will a user in San Francisco be seeing listings from other cities from other countries when the more relevant listings are those within San Francisco, when she's checking the website in San Francisco?

    If the theme on its own is not adequate, are they any plugins in your marketplace that can do a wonderful job to address this issue of keeping display of listings relevant to users in different locations?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, you can use Vantage to allow listings from any location, however they are all listed together and not separated into various locations so yes users will see all listings regardless of where they are. There are location based plugins available in the AppThemes marketplace such as this and this which you may like to look into. If you're looking for more of a separate site for each location, you may wish to consider installing the theme in subdirectories for various locations, in conjunction with a WordPress multisite installation. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Hi Pepsi,

    Thanks for the good info. Can the two plugins that you mentioned above be used at the same time? To limit the search to a city using Mutli-city Av and then also get geo distance info to nearest shops? Does the Multi-city AV filter the recent reviews to display only those from the city selected at the recent reviews widget?

    Sorry a couple more questions, for the directory theme, can users post photos on their review of the business? Or only listing owner can post photos of the business? Any plugin to enhance the review with photos? And can there be a comment tab next to the review tab on each listing?

    Thank you very much once again.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You should be able to use both plugins on the same installation, however if you wish you confirm specific information about either plugin, you are welcome to use the "Comments" tab of the marketplace page of either products so that the plugin developer can respond directly (both are made by different developers) - they may be able to clarify based on existing customer using their product.

    The listing owner is the only one who can post images to the listing itself, and there are no plugins specifically relating to what you have mentioned, so it would require customization on your part if you were looking to add this. Our themes are not encrypted, so you are free to make modifications if you wish. Thanks.

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