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Thread: Can you buy the Classipress Photoshop PSD Files at a later date if you only

  1. #1
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    Can you buy the Classipress Photoshop PSD Files at a later date if you only

    1. Can you buy the Classipress Photoshop PSD Files at a later date if you only buy the standard package (I might want to customize the website down the road)?
    2. Can you use classipress for a specific city only (ex. phoenix classifieds)? I noticed that when you post an ad it asks you to select a city, state, and country.
    3. Is there an addon for an iphone and android app?



  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. Yes, you can upgrade later, paying the difference.
    2. Yes, ClassiPress has a custom forms and fields functionality which allows you to determine the fields which appear on the ad listing form. If you wish to leave out other location options then you can.
    3. ClassiPress is a responsive theme, so it changes layout for optimal viewing on any device. Thanks :)

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