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Thread: Can you please tell me who built the jobsinlincoln website?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Can you please tell me who built the jobsinlincoln website?

    I am considering buying your Job Roller and have been looking at many similar products. I like the look of the 'jobs in loncoln' website and it would be a deal closer for me if I knew who designed the site. Can you tell me please?

    Kind Regards

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Ryan, unfortunately we really don't have this kind of information even though they are featured in the showcase, we just know that they are an AppThemes customer. They may have either customized it themselves, or hired an outside developer to do the work. If you chose to contact them them via their website, it's really up to them if they'd be willing to pass on any details. Thanks.

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