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Thread: Change Theme functions

  1. #1
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    Guest VantageLover's Avatar

    Change Theme functions

    I have been having a play with an older copy of a theme that one of your customers paid for and was wondering how I could change a couple of things.

    if you look at
    on there is listed the words Business Listings
    I can change this to any words I like I know that, but if an update comes out then it gets put back to the original words.
    this is located in the file called va-home.php
    <div class="list">
    <div class="section-head">
    <?php if ( is_tax( VA_LISTING_CATEGORY ) || is_tax( VA_LISTING_TAG ) ) { ?>
    <h1><?php printf( __( Business Listings - %s', APP_TD ), single_term_title( '', false )); ?></h1>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <h1><?php _e( Business Listings', APP_TD ); ?></h1>
    <?php } ?>

    Can I just put this in a child theme stylesheet and change the words from Business Listings to My Listings
    or do I have to copy the va-home.php file over to the child theme and wipe out everything But that code?


    instead of having every listing as one type, how would I have it in two types like Buy and Sell
    so when someone adds a listings, they would choose if it was a Buy or a Sell listing, so then I could do a
    search on either all Buy ads or all Sell ads.

    if these can be done easily then I would like to purchase your theme as this seems the closest theme I can find to what I would like for my site


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Ultimately if you're looking to make any changes to the default theme code we would recommend the use of a child theme so that you don't lose your modifications in the course of an update. AppThemes doesn't officially support customizations, so there are no specific tutorials for the doing what you describe unless you simply added a custom field so the user can select the "type", or even set them up as categories, however the listings still appear the same in terms of listing location. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    The question wasnt answered

    The question was

    Can I just put this in a child theme stylesheet and change the words from Business Listings to My Listings
    or do I have to copy the va-home.php file over to the child theme and wipe out everything But that code?

    I know you dont support the customization of the default theme and I know if I do it, then it can be written over with an update

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes it was answered, you should make the changes in a child theme, and the link provided gives more specific information regarding changes. Thanks.

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