Change Theme functions
I have been having a play with an older copy of a theme that one of your customers paid for and was wondering how I could change a couple of things.
if you look at
on there is listed the words Business Listings
I can change this to any words I like I know that, but if an update comes out then it gets put back to the original words.
this is located in the file called va-home.php
<div class="list">
<div class="section-head">
<?php if ( is_tax( VA_LISTING_CATEGORY ) || is_tax( VA_LISTING_TAG ) ) { ?>
<h1><?php printf( __( Business Listings - %s', APP_TD ), single_term_title( '', false )); ?></h1>
<?php } else { ?>
<h1><?php _e( Business Listings', APP_TD ); ?></h1>
<?php } ?>
Can I just put this in a child theme stylesheet and change the words from Business Listings to My Listings
or do I have to copy the va-home.php file over to the child theme and wipe out everything But that code?
instead of having every listing as one type, how would I have it in two types like Buy and Sell
so when someone adds a listings, they would choose if it was a Buy or a Sell listing, so then I could do a
search on either all Buy ads or all Sell ads.
if these can be done easily then I would like to purchase your theme as this seems the closest theme I can find to what I would like for my site