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Thread: changing label names for forms, and front end content

  1. #1
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    Guest bladerogers's Avatar

    changing label names for forms, and front end content

    In viewing the offerings of this theme, the funcitonality required for a project I have taken on appears to be mostly in place. However, the software must be modified to change things like the title "Job Seeker Options" or the label "Enable Job Seeker Registration:" to reflect the projects purpose. Instead of "Enable Job Seeker Registration:" for instanct, I wish that to read "Enable Company Registration" and instead of "Charge for Job Listings:" I wish the label to read "Charge for Requests". How difficult will this be to do? Are these fields all controlled via language files for the template, or are they hard coded in all, most, or some cases? Please advise, and thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The text you describe is hard coded into the theme files, so you wouldn't be able to change it via settings within the JobRoller admin dashboard, but you can modify the theme files if you wish to change the text. There is no encryption which would prevent you from making these changes. It's relatively straightforward, but you'd need to know where to locate the text and make the changes. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest bladerogers's Avatar
    OK, thanks Pepsi, as long as none of the pertinent files are encrypted or otherwise obfuscated, it should be ok. I find word press themes kind of a pain to follow, though I've only used some of the weaker ones out there perhaps. DirectoryPress for example, was a complete nightmare to not only trouble shoot, but to simply determine what file processes what. Not so much spaghetti, more so dependancy upon dependancy, very poorly documented. I'll continue to research this option. Thanks!

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :) One of our selling points is our "Clean & well commented code base", we definitely encourage users to be creative when it comes to using our themes so we don't want to make that task even more difficult with encryption and messy code :) We offer some documentation for those looking to customize here which may be of interest. Thanks.

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