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Thread: classified ads

  1. #1
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    Guest's Avatar

    classified ads

    can the classipres theme show the makes as a drop down and then have a drop down for models that correspond with the makes. example drop down for Make: Buick drop down for Model: LaSabre etc. drop down for Make: Honda drop down for Model: Civic etc

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You can create custom fields in ClassiPress, however these are not dynamic dropdowns which appear based on the selection of the dropdown menu before it. That would require customization of the default theme if you were looking to do this. The only time you see a dynamic dropdown is in the first part of the ad posting process and that is specifically for category selection. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    2 questions just to clarify

    Classipress looks like a great solution for our business and from what I can see, the support is very responsive.

    2 questions just to clarify:

    In the theme demo in the menu bar for "Categories" - there is a drop down menu: Auto - Boats - Sailboats.

    Can we add more categories to Boats such as fishing boats, wakeboard boats, etc, without "customization of the default theme"? We're building a site just for boats, so we don't need the Books, Electronic... categories. Can those be easily deleted?

    The menu bar includes: Home, Categories, Autos, Blog, Help, About categories or pages. Can those be changed without "customization of the default theme"?


  4. #4
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    A related question

    Can the add categories (that display in the box on the home page) be edited without programming?

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions

    1. The categories which are on the demo site are not populated in a new installation of the theme. You determine which categories are used for your site, so you can add whatever categories and child categories you like. This does not require customization and is easily configured from within the ClassiPress admin dashboard. The specific page for creating these can be found on the ClassiPress admin dashboard demo here.

    2. You can create a custom menu from within the WordPress admin dashboard as seen on the demo here, so again no this does not require customization of the theme

    3. There are two different layout options available in the ClassiPress admin, and that will allow you to either have the "Directory Style" (with the ad categories box on the homepage) or "Standard Style" (without the ad categories box on the homepage) layout. You can choose whether or not to display child categories, or whether or not you wish to display empty categories, or a specific number of child categories below the parent. These are all ClassiPress settings and do not require customization of the theme.

    I hope this information helps. Thanks :)

  6. #6
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar



    That's exactly what I was hoping to hear. Great support and looks like a great theme for us.

  7. #7
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :)

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