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Thread: Clipper Menu and header design

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Clipper Menu and header design

    Hi there,

    first of all great theme! Best couponing theme I have seen so far, and I think its great you guys keep improving it!

    A couple of pre-purchase questions:

    1) Is there any way to change the header/main menu layout of the theme? By default the main navigation menu is above the actual logo and header...this is quite unusual. I would like the main menu to be below the header and known from most other sites. Is this possible without too much custom coding? Potentially it would be enough to simly move the logo above the menu.

    2) I would like the main/home page to not show the coupon feed and have 1 sidebar, but have it be split into 3 columns, as seen here: - is this possible? How exactly is the theme structured? I assume main body content and then either 1 sidebar left or right? Or is it also possible to have 3 columns in the site layout (so sidebar left ; main content in the middle ; sidebar right)?

    Thanks so much,

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanks for your feedback! In answer to your questions:

    Yes, technically the modifications you describe to both the header and layout can be made to the theme, however this would ultimately require some customization on your part as they are not layout settings you can change from the Clipper admin dashboard. For making such changes, we would recommend the use of a child theme in order to preserve your modifications in the process of an upgrade. The default theme is what you see on the Clipper demo, with the one sidebar on the right-hand side.

    You may also wish to check out some of the sites shown in the Clipper customer showcase for an idea of what other layout options have been used. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks so much for your reply.

    This customer theme really is great:

    I assume a lot of custom work done here? When talking about "custom work" - does this only relate to stlye.css or also to changes in php files?

    Thanks a lot,

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes that is a great example of one of our customers Clipper sites :) They have carried out a fair amount of modification to the layout, and you may have also noticed they have changed the way the coupon link works in that the business website itself opens within the frame of the geldkoffer website (instead of linking to an internal Clipper page). So yes, they have also modified theme code relating to php files as well as to the actual layout.

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