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Thread: A couple of questions about Classipress

  1. #1
    Forum Member linksdotcom's Avatar
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    A couple of questions about Classipress

    I noticed that these questions are posted and answered in other forums but unfortunately I cannot see the answers:

    1) Is it possible for customers to purchase a featured ad that appears at the top of the page i.e. as a sticky that appears ahead of all of the other ads for the homepage and the category page?

    2) I noticed that there are lots of comments from users that ads are not being posted correctly. What is the current situation and are there other major bugs that have to be addressed in the latest version? Thanks.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1) Customers can purchase featured ads which means the ad appears in the featured ads slider, but does not appear at the top of the category list. It requires some customization in order to do this. Other members of our community have customized the theme in order to achieve this.

    2) Without context of what "ads not being posted correctly" means, I cannot be sure what the circumstance relates to, as there are often new users who have not set up their mod_rewrite rules correctly which can result in errors, however this is part of initial setup/configuration. I'm not aware of any major bugs with the current version of the theme, but I believe there are some minor bugs which are currently being addressed.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks for the prompt reply.

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