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Thread: Custom Home Page

  1. #1
    Forum Member wthemes's Avatar
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    Custom Home Page


    I am interested in buying Jobroller theme, but I have the following question;

    * Create a new template page
    * Turn on wordpress dashboard (option Settings / Reading / static page) that my home page is the new template ?

    With this, it is enough or there are steps that are not present, to be executed ?

    I would appreciate that indicate me, because (I'm no expert) and i need know if will can do for my self or not, and then proceed to outsource to an expert.

    Thanks in advance,

    PD: There are two answers to this question that I could not see (although I registred) but the system will not let me see them (apparently only for customers who purchased)

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Our themes are not designed to use the static homepage option, so although you can physically change the setting in the WordPress admin dashboard, there will be functions/links which may not work as they should, so yes, there are additional steps which need to be taken to make everything work properly. If you really wanted to use one you could create a home.php file and put it in the theme folder. It will load that first. Another option would be to install another instance of WordPress and put it in a sub-directory, then just link to it. Thanks.

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