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Thread: Customisation of Jobroller Theme

  1. #1
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    Guest emmantech's Avatar

    Customisation of Jobroller Theme

    Ok, I have modified this now. Please see the revised wording.

    Hello there,

    We are about to purchase the JOBROLLER theme to work on a website for our client and wanted to have your help please. We are stuck as the client wants the functions that JOB ROLLER has but wish to have their own approved artwork for the theme instead.

    It is a nice theme in terms of functionality and we are looking to buy it and modify it to suit our client's approved artwork as seen here ( ). Our difficulty is, do you think we can modify the theme to support functionality below that may not be already shown on the mockup link above?

    FUNCTIONALITY LIST (please see the graphic for reference)
    1) All filter
    2) Last Week Filter
    3) Most Relevant
    4) Most Recent
    5) Left side numbers of Jobs by Category
    6) Salary Area
    7) Number of Applicants counter
    8) The 3-4 lines of descriptions.

    Any help or best approach for this project would be most appreciated. Thank you

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Our themes are not encrypted, so essentially you are free to modify it to suit your needs as you wish. We recommend the use of a child theme when making a lot of changes as it will save you losing all of your modifications in the process of an update. You can read more about this here. Thanks.

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