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Thread: Few Pre-Sale Questions

  1. #1
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    Guest DopeFish's Avatar

    Few Pre-Sale Questions


    We are trying to launch our business and your theme looks like what we need for our classifieds ads. However, our business will be in Romania so we need everything that is displayed in English, to be translated in Romanian. Is it possible for us to translate the options, titles, payment methods and descriptions ? Even the "bank wire" option ?

    You can imagine that we cannot offer our members a part of the website in English and part of it in Romanian so being able to translate everything is a huge factor.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanked 804 Times in 718 Posts
    Our themes are translated using .po files, with more information available on our main languages page. If you only wish to translate parts of the theme, them you simply just need to translate the relevant strings, otherwise complete the full translation. Currently there is a Romanian language file already available for ClassiPress. Thanks.

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