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Thread: A few questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    A few questions


    - Responsive, noticed here that it's been asked before, has development on it started yet?
    - Would it be possible to have a non authenticated demo to preview the registration process? is always logged in as appthemedemo.
    - Is OAuth authentication for advertisers possible (Facebook, Google, etc)? If so what plugin(s) do you recommend?
    - When adding listing, Find on Map appears not to work, is this a demo issue?
    - What is the search pattern for the Near field search parameter? Is it just a plain text search on the address field?
    - What happens if I create a custom form for a specific category? Will I have to create a new listing template if I want to use those fields?
    - Can new listing add-ons be added?
    - Is the theme SEO friendly?

    Many thanks,

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    - Yes, development of the next major Vantage release (which includes responsive changes) is already under way, with the estimated release date posted on the theme release status page.
    - Not at this time, but the registration process is straightforward with username, email and password fields to complete.
    - You can find plugin suggestions from our recommended plugins page which includes oneall and social connect.
    - Are you able to please clarify what issues you are experiencing? Perhaps the specific steps you took to use the map function so that we can try and replicate what you are seeing?
    - Whatever you enter in "near" field, gets geocoded from Google Maps Geocode API. This also allows you to refine the search further by radius (as shown in the "Refine Search" located in the sidebar of the Vantage demo site here).
    - Yes, you would create a custom form and then assign it to the relevant category for which you want that form to apply.
    - The only default add-ons available at this time in Vantage are for featured listings on the homepage or category. Anything additional to this would require customization of the default theme on your part.
    - Yes, as best described on the Vantage theme information page:

    Our founder is a battle tested SEO/SEM expert. We understand how important it is for your business. Our themes are built to instantly take advantage of the SEO muscle that makes WordPress the most search engine friendly CMS around. All you need to worry about is running your business.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Hi pepsi,

    Many thanks for your prompt reply, i have a few more:

    - RE: Map - my fault, was not using country on the query!
    - RE: Custom Forms - is the default form built as a custom form? The reason I ask is that I want to extend the existing form to include other fields and not replace it.
    - RE: Developing Add Ons - not a problem, I am from a development background, but once I purchase will I have some kind of support from appthemes, mainly if any questions arise about logic/schema etc?
    - Custom Listing Template by category is that possible?
    - Is the theme fully translatable? Including the geocode API? I'd like to use Kilometers instead on Miles


  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No problem :)

    - Thanks for clarifying re: the map
    - No, the default form is not a custom form. They are very easy to put together via the form builder though!
    - AppThemes does not officially support customizations, so questions relating to mods would be subject to community based support only in the form of the "Mods & Tutorials" section of the forums. We do have an AppThemes developer centre for some additional information about our themes as well.
    - Technically yes, as listings are essentially category based, but it would involve customization.
    - Yes, and you can set the distance unit easily from within the Vantage admin dashboard here. Thanks

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