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Thread: Filter by city, state, country

  1. #1
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    Guest YogaMatt's Avatar

    Filter by city, state, country


    It is paramount that in my site users can filter by city, state, and country since it will basically be a craigslist on crack for my niche.

    Is there any way to get this in classipress? Super important for my purchase.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Although there is an advanced search functionality available in ClassiPress which will allow you to refine the results by specific location or other custom field details, there is no Craigslist-type location filter as you describe. If you were wanting to set something like this up, it could be achieved through a WordPress multisite setup along with additional customization (e.g. a sub-domain for each state) by which the user could select the specific state to start with from the landing page. Again, this would require customization on your part. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest yogamatt's Avatar
    If I did create a multisite using classipress, would that interfere with adding Jobpress or Vantage down the road?

    Are there considerations with creating a multisite that you could point me to?

    Thank you!!

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    All of our themes are multisite compatible, so you shouldn't expect any theme specific issues. It's probably more about finding out how much additional customization would be required for it all to function how you envision it to. Much of the related documentation is found on the multisite link mentioned above, but you could also search the WordPress codex and forums further for other discussions around this, as it's essentially the best source of information for WordPress and multisite. Thanks.

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