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Thread: Finding "Sold" listings?

  1. #1
    Forum Member mjjdesigns's Avatar
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    Finding "Sold" listings?

    Once a user marks their ad as "sold", it stays on the website, which is fine.

    Is there a way within the admin area to pull up a listing of all the ads that have been marked as sold?

    Also, will "sold" items eventually automatically be removed from the directory? Or do they stay around forever?

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    The wordpress admin for posts/ads has a search facility that can be used to see the sold items. I also remember a plugin that can search custom fields with "sold" value through the admin.

    If you set your ads to prune, all expired ads will be set as draft but not deleted. They can be manually deleted through the wordpress admin.
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  3. #3
    Forum Member mjjdesigns's Avatar
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    Thanks for the information.

    The "expired" ads being pruned is different from the "sold" ads, isn't it? So pruning won't remove ads with cp_sold custom fields, would it?

    I don't see anywhere in the demo Admin area to search for "sold" items. WordPress' built in Post search doesn't look at custom fields, so I doubt that'd work.

    Any other suggestions?

  4. #4
    Forum Member mjjdesigns's Avatar
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    Any other information? I'd love to have an answer to these questions before buying this theme.

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