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Thread: I have a bunch of questions. Sorry this is so long.

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    I have a bunch of questions. Sorry this is so long.

    I have a bunch of questions.

    Can I make edits to the content of the pricing plan page? I am going to use this with My SEO Company and would like to offer some services with the upgrades. And I need to be able to list and tell about what they get for their money. With the Glocal theme would have to use PHP to add text to any of the default pages.

    Do I have to do any PHP to change the pages? I am trying to get my money back for the Glocal theme at this moment. The only way to get there admins info off of the “About Us” page was to do it though PHP coding. In order to make just about any changes to the default pages you have to do it thought PHP. I am just getting comfortable with WordPress I want nothing to do with the PHP side of things.

    Is there a page builder as part of the theme? I like page builders where I can add elements in boxes. I need all the help I can get.

    Are there different default layout options?

    How is the page load times on full sites. I was reading in the Glocal support forum that sites with 500+ listing load slow because the theme auto loads all the images every time.

    Does the membership levels have different blogging options? I would like to be able to set number of time each level can post in the blog per month.

    Sorry for all the questions. I needed to get them all in one trip.


  2. #2
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    One more question. Is it a child theme?

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Is it easy to add new categories? I would like to be able to add Blogs as well as businesses to the directory. Will that be just a few clicks to make the category and add a page for them in the tool bar? Or will it take a lot more work then that?

    Also on the search bar you can check Businesses or events. Would I be able to add blogs?


  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I have a bunch of questions.

    Can I make edits to the content of the pricing plan page? I am going to use this with My SEO Company and would like to offer some services with the upgrades. And I need to be able to list and tell about what they get for their money. With the Glocal theme would have to use PHP to add text to any of the default pages.

    Do I have to do any PHP to change the pages? I am trying to get my money back for the Glocal theme at this moment. The only way to get there admins info off of the “About Us” page was to do it though PHP coding. In order to make just about any changes to the default pages you have to do it thought PHP. I am just getting comfortable with WordPress I want nothing to do with the PHP side of things.

    Is there a page builder as part of the theme? I like page builders where I can add elements in boxes. I need all the help I can get.

    Are there different default layout options?

    How is the page load times on full sites. I was reading in the Glocal support forum that sites with 500+ listing load slow because the theme auto loads all the images every time.

    Does the membership levels have different blogging options? I would like to be able to set number of time each level can post in the blog per month.

    Sorry for all the questions. I needed to get them all in one trip.

    - You set up the pricing plans themselves in the admin, however editing the content of the page itself would require customization on your part as there are no admin settings within the theme to manage this specifically. Our themes are not encrypted, so you are free to make such modifications if you wish.
    - Page that you create yourself, i.e. "About us" are fully editable by you in the admin dashboard, it's only set pages that are created by the theme such as steps for creating listings (with the exception of being able to create custom forms), that require actual customization.
    - Sidebar widgets are easily set within the themes admin, and regular pages are created in WordPress as normal.
    - The layout itself is pretty much what you see on the demo site, and page sidebar widgets as well as the main map on the homepage are all configurable within the widget options. Outside of this layout you can of course either customize the theme yourself, or even look at an optional ready made child theme available in the AppThemes marketplace.
    - It really comes down to what WordPress can handle and your hosting setup, you can find lots of useful information here.
    - Blog posts can only be added by those with admin access as it's done within the WordPress admin dashboard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    One more question. Is it a child theme?
    No, Vantage is a parent theme.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Is it easy to add new categories? I would like to be able to add Blogs as well as businesses to the directory. Will that be just a few clicks to make the category and add a page for them in the tool bar? Or will it take a lot more work then that?

    Also on the search bar you can check Businesses or events. Would I be able to add blogs?

    Categories are all created by you, and yes this can easily be done from within the Vantage admin dashboard, as can adding pages. As mentioned above, the theme is not set up for blog posts to be created by regular site members, it requires access to the themes admin dashboard which is ideally locked down to admin only. It would require customization on your part if you were looking to offer this to regular users.

  5. #5
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    Thanks for getting back to me Pepsi. I have a few more questions.

    "editing the content of the page itself would require customization on your part as there are no admin settings within the theme to manage this specifically"

    Can you tell me if this is PHP or HTML editing? Not that I am good at either of them. I just know I have little to no shot at the PHP and should be able to do it if its HTML with a side by side editor.

    And can you tell me if the $39 Child Theme is add on? Would I have to buy the $99 theme first and then the Child Theme? Or can I just get the Child Theme?


  6. #6
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    Also none of the themes seem to have a home page. They all seem to go right into a business listing page. You said I can make pages but will I be able to make a home page like this setup below. All this should be easy with any kind of page builder if there are any that will work with the theme.

    Business Description/ Welcome content
    Three boxes with recent blog posts
    Then three featured businesses under it.

    And is it setup to monetize different ad space in the site?

  7. #7
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    If I buy this theme is there real support on the other side? Having a window of a few hours for someone to check in and respond is better then nothing. But still not close to having someone there when you need them.

  8. #8
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Thanks for getting back to me Pepsi. I have a few more questions.

    "editing the content of the page itself would require customization on your part as there are no admin settings within the theme to manage this specifically"

    Can you tell me if this is PHP or HTML editing? Not that I am good at either of them. I just know I have little to no shot at the PHP and should be able to do it if its HTML with a side by side editor.

    And can you tell me if the $39 Child Theme is add on? Would I have to buy the $99 theme first and then the Child Theme? Or can I just get the Child Theme?

    You would essentially need knowledge of both if you're making changes to the default theme code. The parent theme must be installed in order to use a child theme as the child theme will not function otherwise, so yes you need to buy both the $99 parent theme as well as the $39 child theme if you plan to use it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Also none of the themes seem to have a home page. They all seem to go right into a business listing page. You said I can make pages but will I be able to make a home page like this setup below. All this should be easy with any kind of page builder if there are any that will work with the theme.

    Business Description/ Welcome content
    Three boxes with recent blog posts
    Then three featured businesses under it.

    And is it setup to monetize different ad space in the site?
    When I was referring to pages, I meant, pages within the theme which are displayed as tabs/pages on it also. Our themes are not specifically designed to use a static homepage so if you planned to create a page to use as the homepage, you would need to make additional changes in order for normal theme functionality to also work correctly (again, customization). If your homepage was completely independent of the theme though, it's simply a matter of you setting things up with your domain name pointing to the main page as the homepage. Of course you can also modify the default theme layout through customization in order to display the homepage differently as per examples in the AppThemes customer showcase. You can use sidebar widgets for advertising space, yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    If I buy this theme is there real support on the other side? Having a window of a few hours for someone to check in and respond is better then nothing. But still not close to having someone there when you need them.
    We don't offer real-time support, however we have a dedicated support team who endeavour to respond to threads within 48 hours (although it is usually much sooner than this). Thanks.

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