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Thread: Have Couple of questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Have Couple of questions

    Hi Appthemes,

    I am presently using another job board theme from another developer but it lacks some of the features which i want to have.So i want to purchase your script.

    1.Can Jobroller display all the jobs in the site in the xml feed.Not limited to 10 or 20.

    2.Every job has country and city information in the job post,can we display them in the xml feed.

    3.Adding the job expiry date to the xml feed.

    4.Can you help me to import the jobs in my present script to job roller.As its also a wordpress theme.

    Thank You.

    Hope i can get these important features in job roller so i can purchase it asap.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The number of posts which displays on the homepage, and syndication feed numbers is determined by you in the WordPress admin dashboard "reading" settings here.

    JobRoller doesn't have a built in importing tool, so it would likely require some knowledge of mysql admin in order to migrate jobs over to the correct location from your existing theme (i.e. JobRoller uses custom post types, which many other themes do not). This is essentially outside of the scope of what is officially supported, however we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire if you're looking for someone to assist with this work. If you make contact directly with an outline of your requirements then they can provide a quote for the work. In a related note, there is an XML job feed generator plugin available in the AppThemes marketplace for JobRoller, however this is designed specifically for Indeed - it may give you an idea of what can be done though. Thanks.

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