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Thread: hirebee customization needs and concerns

  1. #1
    client d
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    hirebee customization needs and concerns


    I am interested in having the hirebee as a base for an important project. However due to appthemes not offering customization and a few of their certified partners havent responded in 24 hours, I am a little bit concerned that I might get stuck in the middle of the road.

    Here are my highest concerns;
    1-I need an inboxing system, where users can speak to each other. BBpress is ok but I dont need all the other stuff it brings in.
    2-I need users to be able to choose to have their bid private or publicly shown.
    3-I need the upload file system looks to be changed.
    4-I need the users to be able to post 'updates' to their projects in a seperate tab next to clarification board. Mini notes about the project.
    5-I need the proposals to be able to be 'rejected' with a custom message that project owner will put in. This message can either be added underneat proposal message or can be sent to inbox of the propose owner.
    6-I need projects to have featured images, I will have a grid looking homepage (which I also need as a service).
    7-I couldnt see notification emails settings in the back panel, is there a way I can see whcih functions produce notification emails in the theme ?

    I have several more stuff to be done, willing to pay a fair amount, and like many of the jobs, I am limited in time as well.

    Not expecting a very detailed answer but please help me with the concerns.

    And if you can do these in overall please let me know where to reach you.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear you haven't had a response from some of our certified partners so far, we recommend them in a referral capacity only so they're not part of AppThemes as such. As you are aware, AppThemes does not offer customization services, so the items you list are still things that would need an outside developer to implement. If you are not having success with our partners page, you can of course seek the services of an outside developer if you wish. Thanks.

  3. #3
    client d
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    are there notification mails being sent to users when there is a new proposal to their project, when the proposal is accepted and so on ?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, there are notifications sent relating to the status of the projects, orders and activity. Thanks.

  5. #5
    client d
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    addition to prev message, when project owner selects a proposal, does not he pay to the site (as an escrow), and the site can take a commision (percentage) from the project payment as well. Couldnt see an option like that?

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Pricing relates to listing of projects (including renewals) - paid prior to listing being published and credit plans, but not what you describe.

  7. #7
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    How is the payment process goes, are there any working sites besides demo we can check ? I need to take a comission from each project that is paid, basicly site gets the payment and sends to freelancer when task is complete and approved by the project owner. Thats the whole idea of these sites is it not ? providing security for both sides and getting comission from it.

    Are there any other certified partners you can recommend ? Except themebound (they are busy and cant take the job), none came up with a quote or reply, ridicilous. I am basicly trying to find people to give my money to and there is none....

  8. #8
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The theme was only recently released so we don't have customer showcase sites submitted just yet. The payment options don't include a commission based payment as you have mentioned. You as the site owner can collect payments from people wishing to post listings (and associated options), and you can set up credit plans for freelancers to apply to projects and feature proposals.

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