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Thread: Homepage question

  1. #1
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    Guest SammyT's Avatar

    Homepage question

    I am ready to buy Vantage. But only one thing is keeping me back, and that is the homepage. Is there any way that the listings aren't all on the home page? I was hoping the front page would only show the categories and the features listings and ads..

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    By default there is currently no option to display the Vantage homepage as you describe, so it would involve some customization of the default theme if you were looking to do this. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest SammyT's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    By default there is currently no option to display the Vantage homepage as you describe, so it would involve some customization of the default theme if you were looking to do this. Thanks.
    OK. Got it. Is there at least an option to just show all featured listings instead of including the free ones? If there is, I am sold. :)

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SammyT View Post
    OK. Got it. Is there at least an option to just show all featured listings instead of including the free ones? If there is, I am sold. :)
    There are settings in the Vantage admin dashboard where you can determine the number of regular and featured listings to appear in the homepage. In saying this, the minimum number of regular listings (posts) allowable (as per WordPress limits), is 1, so it would require customization in order to have that show 0. Meaning, without customization you could potentially show e.g. 20 featured listings, but there would still be 1 regular listing which appears below it. Thanks.

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