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Thread: How easy is it it to integrate, nonstandard currency symbols?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    How easy is it it to integrate, nonstandard currency symbols?

    I have a three part query:

    1> I need new currency symbols - not USD, EUR, or GBP, but symbols such as INR, ALT, LAT, is it possible to customize the template such that we can search by currency in a drop down list in the advanced search
    2> I need a featured ads, and recent ads menu item , is this easily done?
    3> And. is there any support - for customization help, available?

    Thanks, I am in the process of evaluating classified software, your software looks great, and seems to be a fit, Also thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    New Zealand
    Thanked 804 Times in 718 Posts
    1) You can create a custom field with the relevant currencies and add the currency field to the advanced search.

    2) ClassiPress has a featured ads slider, so you can charge (or not) users to place listings in the slider. By default, listings are shown with the newest at the top, however there are also "Most Popular" and "Recent" tabs.

    3) AppThemes does not officially support customizations, so anything relating to changing the default theme functionality/layout is subject to community based support only.

    You can find more about ClassiPress on the main theme page, including links to the front and back end demo site. Thanks.

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