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Thread: Image upload and Pricing plans

  1. #1
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    Image upload and Pricing plans


    I have several questions about the Vantage directory theme which I am considering buying.
    1) When a user is adding a listing, can we restrict the number of photos they can upload for the listing, and also restrict the file size of a photo, so if they try and upload a file that is too big, it gives them a message about the allowed file sizes? I know the theme uses the wordpress image resizer for displaying the images, but am concerned that the site will get too large (hosting wise) if users are allowed to upload very large image files.
    2) Can we set up a pricing plan where the user gets the ability to add a certain number of listings in a defined amount of time, eg, pay $50 per month and get the ability to create 25 listings per month?
    3) Can we set a listing to expire, so if they pay for a plan for 3 months, the listing expires after 3 months. If so, what happens when a listing expires? Does it not appear anymore, does the user who created the listing get sent any sort of notification when it expires, or prior to it expiring?

    Thanks in advance :)

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1) The default number of images is 5, but there are no specific image size limit settings within the Vantage admin dashboard. It would require customization on your part if you were looking to add these restrictions.
    2) There is no option for membership pricing at this time, so this is not available by default.
    3) When you set up pricing plans, you determine the duration for which the listing is displayed. When the listing expires, the user is emailed to advise this and that they can renew. The listing itself is sent back to draft mode once it's expired, thus is not published.

    Vantage is not encrypted, so you are free to customize it to suit your needs. If you are looking for developers for hire, we have a certified partners page, where if you make contact directly with an outline of your requirements, they can provide a quote for the work. Thanks.

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