WP all import
Hi there,
Since neither job alerts or rss feeds will include Indeed's job listings, I am looking at import plugins to get this job done. So, I have found
WP all Import and asked the developer about its performance with Jobroller. They are confirming that it will work with it.
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Hey Louis,
Listen, I have not purchased Jobroller yet, so that's the reason I am
replying to your email.
I need Indeed Jobs to be imported and mapped correctly to Jobroller's
database structure, the right columns structure, taxonomies and posts
types. Only this way, Jobroller's alerts for registered users will include
Indeed job listings and same way, only rss feed feature will include Indeed
job listings. Please give me details. Do you have other users of this
plugin who have used it on Jobroller or for these purposes?
One thing, would it work by importing RSS feeds from other sources, let's
say: yahoo pipes?
Thanks a lot for replying!
Yes, it works with any XML/RSS/CSV feed.
Since JobRoller just uses Custom Post Types, Custom Fields, and Custom Taxonomies to store its data, and since
WP All Import can import to those, it will work with JobRoller.
Louis Reingold
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1. Is there any Jobroller existing user who is using this plugin for same or similar purposes? Any feedback? Does it work as it seems to be?
2. Would this work to add Indeed's jobs listings to job alerts and Jobroller rss feeds?
Thanks in advance!