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Thread: Installation directories

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Installation directories

    I am interested in purchasing a few of your products to put into the same domain. can i have eg and and

    then I would create a home default.html with links to each of these sites.
    So effectively i guess that would mean 3 databases.

    I am guessing its a matter for installing into the directories i want each to be placed in. is that correct?
    Also i can see any online manuals, do you have links?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, you can install as many instances of our themes as you want, as long as each has its own instance of WordPress. What you describe is easily achieved. If you wish to go a step further you can find many tutorials on Google which will explain how you can share the user database between each WP installation, effectively meaning one login for all sites.

    We provide installation documentation for our themes here, however only verified customers will be able to view each page in full. You should be able to see the initial part of the setup though.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    installation directories

    thanks, so "as long as each has its own instance of WordPress" I am guessing from that comment, that I would install seperate wordpress in each of the directorys that i want. eg

    and then install your plugin which you are calling a theme into the one i want to see it in. is that correct?

    Theres not much point me searching google. I am only interested in what you have to tell me about your "plugin" criteria/requirements. You cant assume I am going to know the ins and outs of your product.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    To clarify, our products are themes, not plugins. Plugins are designed to be used with existing WordPress themes, whereas an actual theme is going to take over the entire look and functionality of the WP installation, which is what will happen if you use any of our themes. They are not made to be integrated into an existing WP theme.

    Yes, you would need to install WordPress in each directory, and then install the relevant theme.

    We don't assume for you to know these things, which is why we have these pre-sales forums so you can ask questions ;)

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