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Thread: JobRoller Features/Functions

  1. #1
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    JobRoller Features/Functions


    I'm interested at your Product "JobRoller", I have tested the demo, but I'm not sure about some features, I hope you can help me.

    1) Is it possible to login with a social network account like Facebook/LinkedIn/Xing?

    2) Can user register as a employee seeker OR a company?

    3) Are users (seekers and companies) able to subscribe to a specific search-filter. That means they will get a notification-email if a new intereseting job or resume has been added.
    This would be very important for me.

    4) Does each company have a profile on the jobportal for their own, which they can edit?

    5) Are companies able to create subcompanies?

    6) Is it possible to import a mass of user profiles(companies) to the database?

    7) Is it possible for companies to create a template for theirs job announces? So that they don't have to insert often used textes?

    8) Are companies abel to search for resumes (filter them llike jobs)?

    10) Will the site-admin have the possiblity to get a email for each new created job?

    It would be really helpful if you could answer me as much points as possible.

    With best the regrets,


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1) There is no social login functionality built into the theme, however it is possible through use of plugins such as those mentioned on our recommended plugins page.

    2) Users can register as a job seeker or an employer/recruiter

    3) They can subscribe to RSS feeds for all listings, or ones in specific categories

    4) Accounts have their own profile page as is shown on the JobRoller demo site

    5) Not really sure what you mean, but in terms of user accounts, you can only register one per email address

    6) You would need knowledge of mysql admin for this as there is no built in importing tool for this purpose at this time

    7) This is not a feature of the theme

    8) Yes you can view this from the JobRoller demo

    9) Yes, admin is notified of new listings. Thanks.

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