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Thread: Limit job postings for employers to 10 per month and video

  1. #1
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    Guest cylis's Avatar

    Limit job postings for employers to 10 per month and video

    Hi there, I really want to buy this theme for a client's job board website. The client has a specific requirement that an employer is allowed to post maximum 10 job postings. Can this be done with the existing theme or does it need a custom code alteration?

    And the employer should be able to upload a video of the company in the job post. Similarly a job seeker should be able to upload his/her own video (a video resume) for job seekers to see. Is this possible to do with the existing theme?

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Cylis, you can set a "Job Count" when creating a job pack if you wanted to limit the number of job listings in this way (as shown here on the JobRoller admin demo), however there is nothing which specifically prevents them from simply buying another job pack in order to post more. Additional settings for that, and for video in a job listing would require customization of the default theme as these are not existing features which can be configured from the JobRoller admin. Thanks.

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