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Thread: Modification to Job Roller?

  1. #1
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    Modification to Job Roller?

    I am interested in Job Roller, but not for a job board. I want to build a directory of various affiliate offers and I like the styling of this theme. I am wondering how flexible it is for customization and also how difficult it is to work with. For example, I will want to remove any features that are specifically job related and I will want to add some adsense just above 'featured jobs' and search box. Or between featured jobs and latest jobs. I may want to remove the search box all together.

    I may want to put adds in the right column. Perhaps change some of the fields in the listing (remove the date and add some other fields)

    Can all of this be done? I really want to buy this theme and get started. Let me know if this can be done.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Our themes are not encrypted, so you are free to customize as you wish. Basically if you have the coding knowledge to implement such changes, then it is possible. How difficult it is, is really relative on your skills, but the files are well commented.

    On the other hand, you may also wish to look at perhaps the Clipper theme which is based around affiliate links, note though, that unlike JobRoller it does not include any payment gateways at this time, as it is driven around the affiliate aspect of things. Just something to consider anyway..

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