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Thread: Multiple Installs - which way to go?

  1. #1
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    Multiple Installs - which way to go?


    I know I will need so coding retouch but I am sure classiPress is the way to go.

    However, I want to have one install for each state in the country as this would allow me to customize every frontpage differently according to that province's characteristcs.

    Now, what's the best way to do this? Should I go for WP MU? I don't even know how MU works yet...looking into it. Should I create subdirectories or subdomains? Having subdirectories make the site heavier since I will have one install withing another?

    This is going to take a lot of work so I wanted to make no mistakes at start and I need to know all these so that I know which option to buy as well.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    It is worth noting the pros and cons of WPMU versus individual install of classipress in the subdomain. One advantage of WPMU is management since you will only have one wordpress control panel for all your installs/sites. You can install plugins that can be used for the rest of your sites. The con is that if something is wrong with your site all your other site will be affected.

    With individual wordpress install, managing it will somehow be a daunting task since you have to deal with multiple installations including installation of plugins and modifications. The good thing is that if one of your site will go crazy others will still be up and running. Though, you have to deal with multiple database I still find it easy to manage several reasonably sized database than a big one.
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