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Thread: New Features Suggestions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    New Features Suggestions

    Can You update your theme according to IABUK guideline ?

    Update Required:
    Coupon Type:
    *printable coupon
    You can see example website :
    When coupon is expired. Its color will be changed automatically and EXPIRED will be shown in bold

    Code of best practice

    The aim of the IAB’s affiliate marketing council code of best practice for voucher code sites is to ensure that traffic from affiliate sites sent to merchants is not done in a misleading or confusing way and that consumers receive a good user experience. To this end all of the undersigned networks are committed to enforcing the following guidelines:

    1. Affiliates must not use a mechanism whereby users are encouraged to click to interact with content where it is unclear or confusing what the outcome will be. For example:

    Using “click to reveal code” and opening the site when no valid code is present or an offer/deal/sale is presented instead, without this being made clear before the click.
    ii) Using “click to copy code” and opening the site when no valid code is available
    iii) Opening the merchant’s site without making it clear that this will occur
    2. Voucher code affiliates must clearly detail the nature of the voucher or offer/deal/sale before a user clicks to interact with it (by revealing, copying, visiting the merchant site etc)

    3. A valid code is defined as a code that has been legitimately issued by a merchant for your use online. This code will have an activation date and, where provided, a deactivation date. When a code has expired it must either be removed or the fact that it has expired must be clearly stated in writing, not simply by listing the expiry date.

    4. Sites displaying voucher codes must contain clear categorization and separation between deals/offers/sales and voucher codes.

    5. Any affiliate judged by one of the participating networks to be contravening the code will be referred to the IAB’s Affiliate Marketing Council and all members will agree on a course of action. The discretion of the council will be used when determining what is judged as misleading or confusing and is not confined to the examples above.

  2. #2
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Kindly anyone let me know from company ? Is it possible to update this all things ?
    I am waiting for reply...

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanked 804 Times in 718 Posts
    Our themes are not encrypted, so if you are looking to change the default functionality as outlined on our Clipper information page and from what you see on the Clipper demo, then technically yes it can be done. It's ultimately up to you what content goes onto your Clipper site (i.e. whether the coupons are valid is your responsibility), and you control what happens to listings when they expire (i.e. prune coupons so they disappear from the site when expired rather than stay published - this is a setting in the Clipper admin dashboard). Much of what you have outlined are currently managed by Clipper settings.

    AppThemes however does not offer customization services, but we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire. If you make contact directly with an outline of your requirements, they can provide a quote for the work. Thanks.

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