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Thread: Photo upload, result filter & PDF Export

  1. #1
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    Guest Bander's Avatar

    Photo upload, result filter & PDF Export


    Does the Job Roller theme support the following:

    - Visitor can upload his photo when he submit for a job
    - in the admin area of wordpress i can filter the submitted data based on any criteria (ex. Ages between 20 and 30, or Males only)
    - i can export the filtered data as PDF with the uploaded photo of the visitor appeared on it with his remaining info


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    - When a job seeker applies for a job, they can attach a covering letting and cv/resume with their application - not specifically an image file, but the image could always be added to the resume. Job Seekers who complete the resume form in JobRoller can attach an image there.

    - There is no specific filter for these fields in the wp-admin. You can view the JobRoller admin demo here.

    - JobRoller does not have its own import/export tool, but there is the default WordPress one available. The default file format is .xml though, not .pdf.


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