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Thread: Pre-Sale Questions 2014

  1. #1
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    Pre-Sale Questions 2014

    I just recently downloaded a job board theme, which I was disappointed with because it didn't do the following. The following features are what I would like:

    Do you offer a paid membership for job seekers only? (on that note, would it be available for employers to have a free membership?)

    If a paid membership can be done, can I limit the pages such as the 'list of jobs' to be viewed by paid members only?

    Do you offer a resume feature?

    If so, do you offer a resume page for employers to browse? Can resumes be set up into categories?

    Can I have an 'apply now' button where a job seeker can apply for a job with their resume attached directly from the listing? Will this cost extra for the job seeker?

    When listing a job I would like a certain criteria displayed besides what position and with which company, for example an age limit or salary. Is it possible to do this on your site?

    Do you offer new job alerts to job seekers?

    If any of these cannot be met, could you maybe offer an alternate or suggestion?

    I await and appreciate your response.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The only paid options available by default in JobRoller are for employers to place job listings or for access to the resume database. There are none specifically for job seekers.
    Resumes aren't placed into categories but there is a resume search functionality as seen on the JobRoller demo site.
    There is no option built in for job seekers to apply for jobs directly by attaching their resume automatically from their profile (they would attach this manually), however there is a plugin available in the AppThemes marketplace which does offer this along with many other features FXTender Pro.
    There is a custom form builder in JobRoller which will allow you to add custom fields to the listing if you wish.
    Yes there is a job alert function built into the theme.
    You can find the default features of the theme listed on the main JobRoller theme page here (including links to the demo site). You can find add-ons for JobRoller in the AppThemes marketplace and ultimately if there are features you need to see included, we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire who are experienced at working with our themes. Thanks.

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