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Thread: Preventing users from editing there listings

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Preventing users from editing there listings


    Great theme. A few questions:

    -Does Vantage have a feature that prevents business owners from editing there listings? The reason i ask is because i would want the admin to manage all the listings.
    -If the admin is to create a listing, which email does the enquiry from contact owner button go to-the admin or the business owner?
    -Is it necessary to create an account for each business onwer for them to receive and enquiry?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanked 804 Times in 718 Posts
    If the admin created the listing and is associated with it then only they can edit it, whoever is listed as the author can edit the listing. The contact form is linked to the author. If your intention is for the contact form to go to the business then yes they'd need an account set up. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Thread Starter
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks Pepsi. So there is no way the theme would allow the admin to create the listing but send the enquiry to the business onwer? Thsi is the only thing that is preventing me from buying the theme. Any solution would be helpful.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    It's not that there's no way (as it could be done through customization), but there just isn't a setting within the admin dashboard which allows you to add a different contact email address to the one associated with the listing author. Vantage is not encrypted, so you are free to make modifications to the default theme if you wish. AppThemes doesn't offer customization services, however we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire. Thanks.

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